@article{oai:tcu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000010, author = {柳沢, 美和子}, journal = {キリストと世界 : 東京基督教大学紀要, Christ and the world}, month = {Mar}, note = {110009552511, 文部科学省が 2008 年7月に策定した「留学生 30 万人計画」では,優秀な留学生を獲得するために,英語のみで学位が取得できることが重要だとする一方,「日本語を全く学習しなくても良いことを意味するものではない」としている。つまり留学生に日本語を学んでほしいものの,どこまで日本語が必要なのか明確にされていないのが現状である。しかし留学生教育の目的は,ビジネス(自国の経済)に資する「人材」ではなく,人そのものを育てることである。自身の安寧を追求する「お客さん留学生」を育てるか,日本から学び,仕え,遣わされる「とりなし手」を育てるか,日本語学習がその重要な鍵を握っていると思われる。本稿では,留学生教育における日本語学習の役割について「留学生 30 万人計画」の提案を考察後,東京基督教大学の「アジア神学コース」を事例に,日本語学習が,留学生教育および日本のキリスト教会にとってどのような意味を持つのかを考える。, The Japanese Ministry of Education announced "The 300,000 International Students Plan" in July 2008, which aims to increase international students up to 300,000 by 2020. This figure amounts to 10 % of the total college/university enrollment in Japan. The purpose is to increase the nation's competitiveness in the global market by recruiting capable international students. Therefore, the Ministry of Education will promote undergraduate/graduate programs in which the international students could complete their degree requirements in English, but simultaneously expects most of the students to "use Japanese as their education language." The reality is that even though the Japanese Ministry of Education would like the international students to learn Japanese, how much Japanese language education could avail them in the future is still unpredictable.However, the goal of international education is not economics, but people .This paper argues that Japanese language education is a key to educating those who grow in love for Japan and Japanese people—and learn from and serve this country instead of educating "sojourners" who simply pursue.their own benefits. Even though Japan is an island country, it is highly predictable that it will soon become a multi-cultural and multi-language nation where people from different backgrounds live together. This paper will first examine the proposal of "The 300,000 International Students Plan," and then it will discuss the role of Japanese language education in international education and also its implications for local churches, examining TCU's Asian Christian Theological Studies for English Speakers (ACTS-ES) program as an example.}, pages = {114--124}, title = {「他者をつなぐとりなし手」を育てる留学生教育における日本語教育の役割}, volume = {22}, year = {2012} }