@article{oai:tcu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001958, author = {小畑, 進 and Obata, Susumu}, journal = {キリストと世界 : 東京基督教大学紀要, Christ and the world}, month = {Mar}, note = {一神教は非寛容と云々され、多神教の寛容礼讃の声は日毎に強勢となっているようである。ここにキリスト教の諸宗教への視界を確かめ、逆に多神教の非寛容について考えてみたい。, Monotheism such as Christianity has been accused of intolerance towards other religions while polytheism never lacks in kudos for a virtue of latitude. The present paper aims to verify how the Christian religion views other religions and point out that polytheism can be far from being tolerant quite contrary to the common understanding., 2, KJ00003419856, P}, pages = {19--34}, title = {宗教と寛容(二):宗教の真理と宗教者の態度}, volume = {15}, year = {2005}, yomi = {オバタ, ススム} }