@article{oai:tcu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000002, author = {岩田, 三枝子 and Mieko Iwata}, issue = {34}, journal = {キリストと世界, Christ and the World}, month = {Mar}, note = {錦織久良(1889-1949)は、キリスト者文芸家であり、女性運動家でもある。長岡女子師範学校時代に友人を介してキリスト教に出会い、その後伝道者を志して共立女子神学校で学んだ。錦織は、同校在学時代から『基督教世界』や日本基督教婦人矯風会機関誌『婦人新報』に、短歌や廃娼論等の女性問題への提言を寄稿する。さらに40 代に入った頃から、会員数300 万人以上とされる全関西婦人連合会の政治・法律部の委員長となり、毎年の大会では10 年以上にわたり司会を務め、また全関西機関誌『婦人』でも女性を取り巻く課題について提言や解説など30 回以上の稿を寄せた。錦織がキリスト者文芸家として、また女性運動家として活動した期間は、1930 年代の軍国主義が濃くなる時期であった。  筆者は前号の拙論で、『婦人新報』における錦織の執筆を検討し、錦織の活動の主に初期にあたる執筆から、錦織のキリスト教信仰と女性運動の活動の原点を明らかにした。本稿ではその続編として、錦織の執筆活動の主に中期にあたる『基督教世界』での執筆を中心に錦織の信仰観と女性観の一端を検討しつつ、宗教文芸家としての錦織が、1930 年代後半以降、戦時体制の中で次第に銃後の婦人としての自覚を持つに至る過程を明らかにした。, Kura Nishigori (1889–1949) was a Christian writer and women’s activist.She first encountered Christianity through a friend while at Nagaoka Women’s Normal School and later studied at Kyoritsu Women’s Theological Seminary with the intention of becoming an evangelist. While a student at Nagaoka Women’s Normal School, Nishigori wrote tanka poems and articles on women’s issues, such as the abolition of prostitution for Kirisutokyo Sekai and Fujin Shimpo, the journal of The Japan Christian Women’s Organization. In her 40s, she became the chairperson of the Political and Legal Affairs Department of The Federation of Women’s Societies of Western Japan, which is said to have had over 3 million members, and served as the chairperson at its annual conference for over 10 years. Nishigori’s activities as a Christian writer and women’s activist took place in the 1930s, a time of heightened militarism.  In my previous article, I examined Nishigori’s writings in Fujin Shimpo and clarified the origin of her Christian faith and women’s movement activities, based mainly on her early writings. As a sequel, this paper examines aspects of her views on faith and women, focusing on her writings in Kirisutokyo Sekai, which were mainly written in the mid–1930s, and clarifies how she, as a religious writer, gradually took on the role of an activist on the home front during the war.}, pages = {1--22}, title = {『基督教世界』における錦織久良―宗教文芸家から銃後の婦人へ}, year = {2024}, yomi = {イワタ, ミエコ} }